»The Home of Quality«
Univerzal d.o.o., Novi Sad, Srbija
workshop, brand strategy, brand design,
logo design, brand visual identity design,
brand implementation
The repositioning of the brand, including the redesigned logo, slogan and visual identity, as well as the sub-branding and product line labelling strategy, represents an upgrade of the original logo with a corresponding semantic upgrade to emphasise the quality of the umbrella brand’s product and service offering.

The creative process of repositioning brands using the Design Thinking method included a wide range of activities including trend and competition analyses, several workshops at the client’s location, the preparation of a marketing strategy with creative starting points for the design of the visual identity, slogan and labelling system for sub-brands, product lines and, in the final phase, packaging and communication materials.
The creative process resulted in a new logo for the umbrella brand in the form of the letters “Q” with the association to “quality” and the word “universal” in the distinctive yellow-black colour variant of the original logo, the creation of a logic for the product lines and the launch of the “Octopus” brand.
Original logo

Redesigned logo

Logo of the new brand