



How to get the web application

A web application is not just any website. The web application represents a project that requires total commitment. It is a project that requires knowledge from four areas: design, programming, writing texts and management.

Like any project, web project also starts with an idea. It is necessary to put the idea on paper and develop it. Once the idea is refined enough, it’s time to build the web application.

1. Collecting information

The first step to creating a website is to gather information. Well-collected information is the key basis for further work.

To do this effectively, you need to set development objectives. Once you have made a list of objectives, it is necessary to carry out a business analysis and gather information on products, competitors and the industry.

a business plan can help you build a web app

Gathering information and making analyzes is a complex process. You can read more about this at

2. Planning

Based on this information, you will be able to proceed with your planning. It is necessary to plan the functions that need to be developed. The plan is forwarded to the programming and design team.

Depending on the complexity of the functions, the environment in which it will be programmed is then determined. Content management systems are usually used for less demanding websites. WordPress is most commonly used for this.

More demanding web applications are programmed in environments such as Laravel and Django. They differ from WordPress mainly in the way of programming. While with WordPress we create the website with the help of plugins, we have to write most of the functionality with Django and Laravel. The advantages of such an approach are flexibility, speed and control.

3. Implementation and development

At this point, the process is divided into three parts: design, programming and content. On larger web application development projects, all three can start at the same time. For simpler websites, it is usually necessary to wait for the design team to complete the design of the page.

Web application design

For the most web projects, this is the first step in the implementation and development phase. It starts with making a wiring diagram. A wire diagram shows the basic layout of elements on a page and is used as a basis for the final design. The final design is build in a specialized website design development program. The design contains all the graphical elements of the web app, including the layout and design of text, images, buttons and animations.

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for”
― Milton Glaser


Start of programming depends on technical complexity. For technically more demanding applications, logic programming can begin together with the development of the design, while simpler ones only after the end of the design.

In this phase, everything that was planned in the planning phase is build. The final result is a web application ready for text entry and testing.


The third part of the process begins after the design is finished. It is necessary to collect all the material and design it sensibly according to the fields provided in the design.

When preparing the text, it is necessary to make sure that the text is optimized for the keywords with which we want customers to find our web application. After programming, the prepared text is entered into the web application.

4. Testing

After successfully completing the first 3 steps, it’s time to check the application. Testing checks that all planned functionalities have been implemented and are working correctly. After the first round of testing is completed, the application is shown to the customer. Based on the comments, corrections are made and then testing continues. Testing include the adaptation of the website on different devices, behavior when using different browsers.

Before submission, the web application is tested from the user’s point of view. Several scenarios are created and tested on the page.

5. Launch

The last stage is the easiest and least stressful. Before publishing a web application, it is necessary to have hosting and a domain.

In this phase, the files and database are transferred to web hosting. We need to points the domain correctly and makes any other minor adjustments to the page.

After the Launch

During the first few days, it is necessary to monitor the operation of the web application. It is especially necessary to be careful with more technically demanding applications, since more complex functions have bigger probability to not work as intended.

Development itself does not end with publication. The web application needs to be maintained and updated. The site will need to be managed and its packages upgraded. Various performance and traffic measurement add-ons can be installed on the website to help us get to know our customers and adapt to them if necessary.

You need

At Studio Mazzini, we have experts in creating and optimizing web applications. If you’re looking for someone to help you build your next web project, contact us and we’ll help you create a modern web application.